What Is Your Love Language?

A hug-filled hello to you, my friend!

Every individual has a love language ~ that is, the way in which love is given and received. Words of affirmation, acts of service, exchanging gifts, quality time, and physical touch are five categories identified by Dr. Gary Chapman in his book, “The 5 Love Languages”. In what way do you express and receive love… what is your love language?

As Karen Faith, LLC, has continued to grow, and Elements Every Day comes to life, I reflect on what I wrote as my vision in 2021:

“Create a warm, welcoming space that people WANT to be IN and look forward to RETURNING TO each time they leave.”

This declaration embodied my dream of being a source of guidance to people through both individual and group experiences intended to enrich overall well-being.

Three years later, I am proud of the collective of teachers who have come to share the love in a variety of meaningful ways, including yoga, group fitness, music, discussion, and brain health… with more ideas being curated to bring to you in the coming months.

A warm welcome awaits you when you register for a class. May you always enter and leave our space feeling accepted and connected ~ we look forward to seeing you!

Classes Are Ongoing!

Gentle Yoga with Kaytee ~ Gentle Yoga with Cindy ~ Gentle Yoga with Jen ~ Chair Yoga with Lindsay ~ Movement Mixture with Lisa ~ Gentle Yoga with Karen ~ Introduction to Yoga for the Mature Body with Melanie ~ Wit & Wisdom Discussion Group with Karen ~ Gentle Yoga with Deepa ~ Candlelight Yin Yoga with Deepa ~ Memory Keepers with Susan ~ Strength & Balance with Stephanie

All Classes at the offices of Karen Faith, LLC

Follow Elements Every Day on Instagram andFacebook!

With wishes for a Happy Hearts Day,


The Instructions For Living Life


Spontaneous Delight